Jessica Mork Florida Virtual Somatic Therapist

Your healing 

starts here.

Virtual, somatic trauma therapy

for adults in Florida.

flower field virtual somatic therapy florida

you can heal

you can heal

Does this sound like you?

  • You’re trapped in a familiar loop of patterns and cycles that always seem to sabotage the good

  • Your thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and physical sensations feel stuck on auto-pilot

  • You’re chronically stressed

  • You’re depressed and/or anxious

  • You have no idea what your “purpose” is - you’re just trying to cope

  • You’ve been in survival mode for as long as you can remember

  • Making decisions and mobilizing positive change feels hard on a good day, and nearly impossible most of the time

  • You don’t know what self-care is or you can’t follow through with practicing it

  • You feel stagnant and unsure how to move through stress and obstacles

Hi, I’m Jess and I’m here to guide you as you journey back to your Self.

Jessica Mork Florida Somatic Therapist and Reiki Practitioner

My therapy style goes way beyond traditional cognitive approaches and directly addresses the root of trapped trauma in the nervous system. I utilize somatic tools like EMDR and Brainspotting because they rely on the innate healing wisdom of our bodies and have been found to be highly effective at trauma resolution.


  • Brainspotting Florida Therapy Rose bushes


    Access previously hidden insights and connect with your own natural “knowing”. By simply focusing on a fixed visual point, we can untangle your web of thoughts so you can develop a better understanding of stressful and traumatic experiences keeping you stuck. This process acts as a map and can guide and accelerate your healing process.

  • Florida virtual EMDR therapy flowers

    EMDR Therapy

    Through bilateral movement, this technique facilitates the processing and resolution of both complex trauma and singular traumatic events. EMDR is one of the most effective tools for root-cause trauma healing and natural nervous system repair. Successful EMDR results in a significant reduction or total elimination of mental, emotional and even physical symptoms.

  • Somatic Processing Florida Therapy Flowers

    Somatic Processing

    When you learn how to tap into and connect with your mind and body, you unlock the key to healing and genuine transformation. With this highly effective approach, your body’s intuitive healing mechanism guides your brain and nervous system to process and release stored trauma, wounds and blockages. This connection will serve you long after you heal.

Lilac road virtual florida somatic therapy

Frequently Asked Questions

  • No - I am a private pay provider. If you have out-of-network benefits, I can supply you with superbills for insurance reimbursement.

  • Sessions are 50 minutes long and $175 per hour.

  • I can only provide therapy to people who are in Florida at the time of their sessions.

  • Yes! Virtual sessions have been proven to be just as effective as an in-person session, but offers more flexibility by eliminating barriers such as location and transportation.

  • Therapy is an individualized practice, so the timeline is unique to you.

promenade counseling florida somatic therapy

Ready to heal?

Let’s work together.

Jess Mork florida virtual somatic therapy and reiki healer